Application to join Southend Art Club
The Membership fee is only £35/year, which runs from
1 Jan - 31st December
Payment can be made by Bank transfer or cheque.
Bank details:
Account name: Southend Art Club
Account No: 48467360
Sort Code: 30-99-50
REF: NM(last 3 digits of your postcode + your Surname)
eg reference for Mr A. N. Other living at SS12 3AB = NM3ABOther
Make cheques payable to 'Southend Art Club'
Post to:
Membership Secretary
Belinda Mepham
37 Eastwood Old Road
Please complete the form below, ensuring you click the Submit button at the bottom.
This will provide confirmation that your details have been accepted and you now need to make your payment.
Check that you have a good wi-fi connection to avoid submission failures
New member application form
Website address
Instagram Artist Profile
Please upload one image of your artwork for our Gallery Profiles page - see Gallery tab above
Do complete the Title box and add your surname and initial.
This helps identify your work in our Visitor Media Upload folder
Click submit to send your details. The page will refresh to show Membership information details
An error occurred - please check input and resubmit
any difficulties please contact
Membership Secretary Belinda Mepham
(Information will be kept on a database for Club use only and not distributed to any other body outside the Club)