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Thank you so much to everyone who made it to the AGM on an unusually warm October Saturday afternoon - really appreciated you giving the club your time.

Thank you too for those who couldn't make it and sent apologies - really appreciated that 🤗 Family always comes first & we send best wishes to those who had difficult circumstances - do hope improvement is speedy.

I feel so privileged to be supported by SACs wonderful members & loved that we had the opportunity to talk about how we do things, move forward, change, introduce new ways of doing what we do, as - like I said yesterday - 'let's do this together!'

Already Liz's suggestion of putting the newsletter on the website has happened! Members often mislay or haven't seen the newsletter email - so now there is another location to find it, which is on the Members Area above. You will still receive newsletters by email first, without the need to log-in on the website.

How well we move through the year is all about communication - so please do keep yourselves up-to-date with a regular check-in on the website, our Social Media and your mailbox.

There's the contact tab above to send any questions to the relevant member of the committee.

The minutes of the meeting will arrive in the Members Area later on - after the usual process of being written up and approved.




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